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plants come in a plastic grow pot.
if you would like us to plant it in a pot, head over to the pots page and choose one that you’d like.
plants which are purchased without a pot will be delivered in their plastic grow pot
the best pot for your plant is one that is the same size or 1” larger.
ex. 4” succulent needs either a 4 or 5 inch pot.
airplant (tillandsia ionantha)
airplant (tillandsia bulbosa)
airplant (tillandsia remota)
airplant (tillandsia streptophylla)
airplant (tillandsia caput medusae)
airplant (tillandsia xerographica)
anthurium superbum (bird's nest anthurium)
zamioculcas zamiifolia (lucky)
cactus opuntia nopal (prickly pear)
euphorbia lactea x neriifolia (grafted coral cacti)
ficus lyrata bambino (dwarf fiddle leaf fig)
ficus shivereana (moonshine)
peperomia verticillata (double duty)
pilea depresa (tiny tears)
thaumatophyllum xanadu (deja vu philodendron)
ficus elastica ruby (ruby ficus)
ficus melany elastica (rubber tree)
codiaeum variegatum (magnificent croton)
canela cinnamon (cinnamon tree)
assorted hoya
epipremnum aureum (neon queen pothos)
polyscias fruticosa (ming aralia stump)
philodendron t. melanochlorum (green congo)
rhaphidophora hayi (shingle plant)
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